Our Youth Advisory Committee
As an organisation that values the inclusion and empowerment of young people, we are excited to announce the creation of a youth advisory committee.
The committee is comprised of incredible 16 – 25-year-olds who have a passion for violence prevention, consent education and LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity. The YAC will have the opportunity to have their voices heard on how the organisation engages with young people and will help shape the organisations yearly advocacy focus.
About Body Safety Australia
Body Safety Australia is Victoria's largest and most trusted provider of school programs to help children be safer and happier. We are committed to promoting childhoods free from violence where children enjoy equitable and respectful relationships. We deliver in class workshops around child sexual abuse prevention, comprehensive sexuality education, consent, LGBTQIA+ inclusion, gender equity and positive body image to:
- Children and young people in early childhood education, primary schools and secondary schools
- Parents and carers
- Teachers and education staff
We're looking for people who:
- Are 16 to 25 years old, with a genuine passion for enacting change
- Have an interest in primary prevention advocacy and education
- Want their voices heard on matters directly relating to them and their peers
- Are able and willing to contribute to group discussions and communicate on projects
Our commitment to communities
Body Safety Australia is committed to ensuring that our work is inclusive of all children, young people and their families.
To address this, Body Safety Australia strongly supports applications from people with the following backgrounds:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Disability
- Migrant and/or refugee
- Lived experience in the program topics
What's in it for you:
- Be able to provide valuable lived experience and knowledge to the organisation's programs and strategic plans
- Ability to have agency over advocacy campaigns
- Experience with committee work and the primary prevention field
- Networking opportunities with professionals in the industry and like-minded individuals new to the space
- A reference letter on completion
Your role would look like:
- A 9 month commitment (with options to extend on review) on the committee
- A monthly commitment to committee meetings (flexibility to increase frequency to be determined by the committee)
- Working with the full committee (of up to 15 young people) to
Provide feedback on organisation programs and meaningful direction on research - Make and deliver advocacy campaigns with the support of the organisation
Fill out the application form HERE and email any questions to .
Body Safety Australia has a commitment to Child Safety. It is an offence under the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 2005 for a person convicted of a serious sex office to apply for this position. It is expected that all Body Safety Australia staff and volunteers will adhere to the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the National Child Safe Principles at all times.