Publications & Submissions
Here you can see publications and submissions from Body Safety Australia.
Our Impact Report
Check out the impact our team had this year! Our Impact Report showcases our prevention education programs, our specialist work with minority communities and the strong, hope filled voices of the children and young people who welcomed us into their classrooms. Curious about our work?
Click the link to read the impact report below.
Submission to the Tasmanian Government’s proposed amendments to Community Protection Offender Reporting Act
Body Safety Australia is grateful for the opportunity to provide input to the Tasmanian Government's proposed amendments to the Community Protection Offender Reporting Act.
Click the link below to download our submission.

Parliamentary Inquiry: Current and proposed sexual consent laws in Australia
Body Safety Australia strongly supports the Federal government’s interest in a national understanding of affirmative consent.
Our submission has been accepted as submission number 29 for the Parliamentary Inquiry into Current and Proposed Sexual Consent Laws in Australia.
Click here to read our submission.