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teaching consent to toddlers

Body Safety Australia CEO Deanne Carson weighs in on teaching consent to toddlers.

Body Safety Australia CEO Deanne Carson weighs in on teaching consent to toddlers.

Deanne Carson, CEO of Body Safety Australia and speaker at the 2021 Flourish Conference, weighs in on teaching toddlers about consent.

its my body imageIn a recent article featured in The Guardian, “Teaching Consent to Toddlers”, Deanne Carson explains, “I’m happy we’re starting to have this conversation” and how important it is to empower children with the tools they need in order to flourish in today’s society.

Deanne Carson has never been one to shy away from the challenging and often controversial topics regarding children and prefers to offer education and factual evidence to tackle these ‘taboo’ topics.

Speaking at the Flourish Conference in July, Deanne will share with attendees her experience and insight into consent education, respectful relationships and body safety, and the crucial roles adults and educators play in delivering this information to young people.

Want to learn more about teaching consent to toddlers?

Body Safety Australia have specialised in consent education since 2015. If you or your organisation need help delivering consent education or would simply like to learn more, click the button below to get in touch with our team.