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Term 3 Newsletter | 2019

Term 3 Newsletter | 2019

National Child Protection Week  

National Child Protection Week is coming up on 1 - 7 September. 

Our Superstar educators will be in Sydney working with schools and early learning centres on both sides of the harbour. 

In Melbourne we will be working with children and adults in Carrum, Edithvale, Mt Waverley, Parkdale, Oakleigh, Parkville, Caulfield and Bulleen. Phew! What a big week! 

 Cyber predators

Our focus for National Child Protection Week is on cyber predators and child sex abuse material hosted online. 

The team at Body Safety Australia has seen an alarming decrease in the age of children exposed to violent or sexualised content or having their photos shared online without parental consent. 

Recently we had the opportunity to hear Associate Profession Michael Salter speak about his work in addressing the proliferation of child sex abuse material (CSAM) online.

Here is a snapshot of some of the statistics we learned:
  • 50% of the children in CSAM images are under 8 years of age
  • 80% of children are girls
  • 90% of children are caucasian
  • the younger the child in the material, the more sadistic the abuse
  • most of the abuse is perpetrated by a family member
  • only 15% of children in reported images are ever identified by law enforcement
Our team are currently working on developing professional development to reduce children's vulnerability in online spaces. Please contact us to book for 2020. 

Body Safety Tip of the Month

You have ensured you have parental consent to take children's photos, but have you asked the child?

Seeking a child's consent to take and share photos is a great way of helping them understand their rights and responsibilities in online spaces. 


In the news ...

Tammy Anson had requested that her child's school not use her daughter's image in any external communication or marketing. She thought that she had made it clear - until she saw her daughter's face on the side of a bus. Read more. 

This mother learned that her holiday snaps of her daughter was being traded online by child sex abusers. 

Family violence perpetrators are using technology to track vulnerable women and children. More here



Term 3 is fully booked for primary and secondary schools. We are still taking bookings for kindergarten. 

Term 4 we are taking bookings for:
  • Years 4 -6 puberty (relationships and sexuality education) incursions
  • Body Safety School readiness for 4 year old kindergarten 
  • Naked Truths Consent education for secondary schools 
  • Parent workshops and Professional Learning 
  • Respectful Relationships staff capacity building PDs 

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