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5 Tips for Great Sexuality Education Lessons

5 Tips for Great Sexuality Education Lessons

Think back to your first experience of sex ed.

How would you rate it on a scale of best-lesson-ever to excruciating-I-want-to-die?

How relevant was it for your personal experiences?

Was it delivered too early or all just a little bit too late?

Relationships and Sexuality Education is a compulsory part of the curriculum but it’s a topic many people look back on negatively.

So, what makes a good sex ed session?


You would think not much has changed since we adults went through puberty or learned to put condoms on bananas. But students now want to know about ethically made, sustainable products for menstrual management and they want to know how the morning after pill differs from the ‘abortion pill’. They will also be quick to tell you than men can have babies, too.


Bodies are hilarious and genitals and body changes should be treated with the same levity. Students say that sometimes the topic was approached with such solemnity that it actual made them even more petrified or puberty and dating.


Delivering sexuality education in mixed gender classes is a real positive for a couple of reasons. By understanding that classmates will have very similar experiences of puberty and dating, we help bridge the gap that students of a different gender are actually a different species of humans (think the myth of Mars and Venus!)
Where there are differences, like periods, sperm production, contraception choices and power imbalances, having the students together helps build empathy and understanding.

Finally, many girls have reported that having a lesson on periods while the boys got to do a fun activity, increased feelings of shame and secrecy about menstruation.


While classroom teachers may have a great rapport with their students, many students report that they prefer an external facilitator because they have an opportunity to ask questions that they feel uncomfortable asking someone they see everyday.

They feel reassured that when they slip that embarrassing note into the question box, the person reading it won’t recognise their writing.


Sadly, some children in the classroom will have experienced some kind of sexual trauma, whether they have been sexually abused, have had medical conditions leading to genital surgery, or have experienced female genital mutilation. Other students may find aspects of sexuality education confronting due to sensory processing disorders or other needs. Puberty education can even be tricky for students who are the first in their class - or last in their class - to begin changing.

Having a facilitator who is trained to observe students for signs of discomfort or trauma and respond with protective interrupting or other trauma healing practice is essential. This style of delivery works best alongside the classroom teacher and a trusted education support staff member to ensure that all students have a positive experience of the class.

If you want to know more about how we can partner with you for a fun, factual and empowering sexual health class, give us a call on 03 9471 2247 or 0478 905 414.