Lauren French

Flourish 2021 Line Up Announcement: Lauren French

Lauren currently works in three different, but interlinked, spaces. A senior educator with Body Safety Australia, Lauren works to provide education regarding prevention towards child sexual abuse as well as teaching sexuality education.

A sexologist working in private practice helping both individuals and couples through a range of sexual concerns, she also works at YLab as a First Nations associate working on projects concerning equality, equity and First Nations futures.

Lauren is a recently graduated sexologist holding a membership with the Society of Australian Sexologists. Lauren has a real passion for sexuality education as well as helping individuals or couples through a multitude of sexual difficulties and experiences.

She believes that sex should be able to be discussed openly and that everyone deserves to have a pleasurable and enjoyable sex life. She specialises in sex education, and empowering individuals to be less goal-orientated and more pleasure orientated.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Lauren speak.

Get your tickets by clicking the button below. Book now to avoid disappointment.

Body Safety Australia acknowledges and pays respect to the past and present Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual, and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

Body Safety Australia is a child-safe organisation. We are committed to keeping children and young people safe by empowering the whole community in prevention education. We value and empower children and young people's voices in our programs and create a safe space that supports all persons to disclose. To read our full commitment to children, click here. If you have a Child Safety concern, click here.

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