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Term 4 Newsletter | 2019

Term 4 Newsletter | 2019

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Welcome to the final term of 2019!

Some tips going into the school holidays. 

Now is a great time to revisit the Safe Adults activity with children. Summer holidays are a lot of fun but they can also be a time of risk as children are often less supervised and in the company of other adults and teens. 

Talk to teens about social media and help seeking. What would they do if a friend was messaging late at night saying they were at risk? Would they wake an adult or try to manage on their own? 
Special Announcement:

Body Safety Australia has been approved for school readiness funding.

Funding can be applied to children's programs, parent workshops and professional development. 

Limited bookings available for term 4
Taking bookings now for 2020
Term 3 feedback 
"Outstanding was the overwhelming response! I have had parents email me today and staff stop me to comment too on how fantastic the presentation was!"
Gay Wales, Principal, Melbourne Montessori School

"Our educator had a lovely manner with the children and delivered the program in an engaging professional way."
- Johanna Kane, Holy Trinity PS (NSW)

"The conversation re: what scared looks like in and on our bodies led onto other discussions and drawings about our bodies an emotions"
Fiona, Edithvale Family and Children's Centre

Welcome to our new educators!

Hi! I'm Emily.

My background is in primary education as both a classroom teacher and principal. I am passionate about empowering children and youth through knowledge. I have worked in a variety of educational settings and countries from rural Victoria to indigenous communities in the NT to Southern Africa, the Philippines and the Middle East. 

When I’m not baking or hanging out with one of my nieces or nephews, then I love travelling the world and doing things that people tell me I can’t……like getting my scuba diving license (interesting only because I’m a paraplegic!)

I’m excited to be working with BSA and the amazing team of Educators.

The team at Body Safety Australia would like to welcome Emily Costello onboard. 
Hi, I'm Katie,

I have a background in Psychological and Gender studies. I am committed to social justice and currently work with an organisation assisting marginalised hill tribe children within Northern Thailand. Recently I interned at an organisation working with survivors of human trafficking in Mumbai, during this time I held workshops surrounding mental health and empowerment.  

In my free time I like to dance and sing loudly, usually off key with my own lyrics. 

I believe educating and empowering children and communities is necessary for healthy development and equality. I am very happy to be part of the team at Body Safety Australia and look forward to contributing towards the cause. 

Welcome, Katie! 
On the Road...
Last term our educators hit the road visiting schools and early childhood centres in Sydney, Wagga Wagga, Sea Lake and Manangatang as well as all over metro Melbourne. 

Superstar Educator Lauren was interviewed on 3KND Kool N Deadly on all things consent and colonisation. Click here to listen the full interview

Founder Deanne
joined a panel at the Wheeler Centre on consent and spoke for the first time on how #nappygate affected her family. 

Lauren spoke to over 200 early childhood professionals at the
Early Childhood Australia National Conference in Hobart. Her presentation is available from ECA. 


Primary and Secondary Programs in 2020

Unique You is our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program for Primary Schools. 

Content includes puberty education, sexuality education, gender equity and respectful relationships. 

Naked Truths is our Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program for Secondary Schools. 

Content includes consent, gender equity, respectful relationships, porn, nudes and the law, and help seeking. 

Our mailing address is:
215 Bell st Preson VIC 3072

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